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Lead enrichment: how to turn a list of names into ready-to-convert leads

We walk you through using waterfall enrichment to find prospect emails and further enrich lead data with additional insights, turning basic lead lists into fully actionable sales opportunities.

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So, you’ve got a list of names and companies. Nice start!

But there’s just one glaring issue.. you’ve got no email addresses to go with them.

And without emails, it’s like trying to send smoke signals in the digital age. No bueno.

Don’t worry, though. This is where lead enrichment swoops in to save the day, starting with getting those all-important emails.

You’ll first gather the emails and then gradually build up your lead profiles with other juicy details.

Ready to turn that basic list into a goldmine of sales potential? Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Finding emails (with waterfall enrichment)

The first stop on our journey? Email enrichment.

Without those email addresses, your outreach is dead in the water.

Here’s how to get started with the email hunt:

Option 1: Use email finder tools

Skip the manual Google searching and dive straight into tools like Watson.

You've probably heard of email finder tools like, Apollo, or Dropcontact.

So why choose Watson? Waterfall enrichment.

Watson queries multiple data providers (including, Apollo and Dropcontact) with your email finding request, one after the other, until you get a result.

So, when you're looking for a lead's email, we start with one provider. If they don't find it, we ask the next one. And we keep going until we find it (or are sure nobody has that damn email).

How does waterfall enrichment work?

Option 2: LinkedIn lookup

Sometimes, a quick LinkedIn search will give you clues or even direct contact info.

Check the prospect's bio. They may have an email listed here.

But to be honest, this is a very time consuming and particularly fruitful option.

Option 3: Outsource the job

Want someone else to handle it? Easy.

You can outsource data enrichment to services that specialize in finding verified emails quickly and accurately.

They'll send you a fully enriched list of emails, all without lifting a finger.

If you don't have any recommendations from your network, start at a place like Upwork.

Once you’ve collected the emails, you’re already a step ahead.

But there’s more work to do - time to dig deeper and enrich your leads with additional data.

Step 2: Enrich further with job titles, company data (and more)

Now that you’ve got email addresses in hand, it’s time to layer in more insights.

Now we move on to the advanced stuff like job titles, company size, and even buying intent.

This lead data enrichment process will give you the full picture of who your leads are and how to approach them.

Here’s how you can go deeper into (what is also commonly referred to as) B2B data enrichment:

Job title & role

Knowing someone’s name and email is great, but understanding what they do at their company is even better.

This info lets you tailor your message directly to their role.

Are they a decision-maker? Or someone lower on the ladder?

You can find job titles by:

  • Using LinkedIn to check their profiles manually.
  • Letting enrichment tools like Clay, ZoomInfo or Lusha automatically add job titles to your CRM.

Company information

What’s the size of their company? What industry are they in?

These are crucial details for segmenting your leads and targeting them with relevant messaging.

Tools like Clearbit can help by appending company data to your existing leads, such as:

  • Number of employees
  • Annual revenue
  • Industry sector
  • Company location

With this data, your messaging goes from generic to laser-focused. You’re not just shooting off emails into the void; you’re crafting content that speaks directly to their company’s challenges.

Social profiles

Want to get more personal? Finding social profiles (LinkedIn, Twitter/X, etc.) can give you deeper insights into your lead’s interests, recent activities, and even professional pain points.

Social data is perfect for adding a human touch to your outreach.

Mention a recent post they made, or reference something about their role that makes your email stand out.

These details might seem small, but they can have a big impact.

Step 3 (advanced): Technographics, intent data and more

Now that you’ve enriched your lead list with the basics (emails, job titles, and company data) it’s time to kick it up a notch. Let's go advanced!

Want to know which software tools your leads are already using? Or if they’re actively looking for a solution like yours?

This is where advanced lead enrichment takes over.


Want to know if your lead’s company is already using a competitor’s product? Or maybe they’re using a platform that integrates well with yours.

Technographic data gives you insights into the tools and technologies your lead’s company is using.

Tools like BuiltWith or Datanyze can help you find this data, which can inform your outreach and tailor your sales pitch.

At Watson, we love using this type of data (we use Builtwith) to find people who might benefit from our waterfall enrichment solution!

Intent data

Most marketers believe only Google Ads can get them in front of people with immediate intent, but that's not true.

Intent data is the crème de la crème of lead enrichment.

It tells you which leads are actively searching for a solution like yours based on their online behavior.

Using platforms like Bombora or Leadfeeder, you can identify leads who are showing intent to purchase or explore solutions in your industry.

This allows you to prioritize leads that are hot and ready for conversion.

Step 4: Sync it all to your CRM (CRM data enrichment)

Now that your lead list is enriched with valuable info, it’s time to plug it all into your CRM.

CRM data enrichment ensures that all of the email addresses, job titles, company details, and more are stored in one central place.

With a fully enriched CRM, you can:

  • Segment your audience more effectively
  • Personalize your outreach based on rich data
  • Identify and focus on high-priority leads

Your CRM should be a lead-converting powerhouse, and enriching your data is how you get there.

Step 5: Rinse & repeat

Lead enrichment is an ongoing process. Businesses change, people switch jobs, and new leads come in all the time.

Setting up a regular system of waterfall enrichment and continuous data enrichment ensures that your CRM remains current and ready to convert leads into sales.

As your lead list grows, make sure you’re staying ahead by constantly enriching new leads with fresh, relevant data.

Final thoughts: enrich, engage, convert

With waterfall enrichment, you start by nailing down those crucial email addresses, but it doesn’t stop there.

By gradually layering in job titles, company details, social profiles, and even advanced intent data, you’re building a complete picture of each lead.

Once you’ve enriched your data, your outreach isn’t just smarter - it’s more targeted, more relevant, and more likely to convert.

So, don’t let your lead list gather dust.

Start enriching, engage your prospects, and watch the conversions roll in.

Want to test out waterfall enrichment?

Don't just use one data provider. Use many.

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